Standardisierungsgremien und Organisationen
Bei der Spezifikation der Netzwerke, Interfaces, Treiber und der Line-Datenraten treten unterschiedliche Standardisierungsgremien auf. Diese haben einen z.T. unterschiedlichen Fokus:
- Landesweiter Fokus
- Kontinentaler Fokus
- Weltweiter Fokus
- Industrie-getrieben
z.B. DIN (Germany), ANSI (USA) z.B. ETSI, CeNelec (Europa) z.B. ITU, IEC
Der Vollständigkeit halber sind auch weitere bekannte Gremien und Organisationen aufgeführt.
Interface Alliances and Partnerships for IP Design In the following some international partnerships are listed having the task of easing internal and external
chip interface design.
OPC-IP Open Core Protocol - International Partnership OCP-IP's mission is to drive the OCP to become the most widely used and adopted socket interface
for SoC designs. OCP-IP provides the tools and services that are necessary for convenient implementation, maintenance and support of the standard socket interface.
OpenMORE Open Measure of Reuse Excellence OpenMORE is the industry reference program for assessing the reusability of hard and soft IP cores for
SoC design. The assessment program is based on the Reuse Methodology Manual (RMM) and includes the complete set of rules and guidelines, which was itself based on the original RMM and key
deliverables from the Virtual Socket Interface Alliance (VSIA).
VSIA VSI Alliance The VSI Alliance was formed with the goal of establishing a unifying vision for the system-chip industry
and the technical standards required to enable the mix and match of IPs from multiple sources. This is to dramatically improve the productivity of SoC development by specifying open standards and
specifications that facilitate the integration of software and hardware IPs from multiple sources.
(last update: August 2005)